5 Tips To Get Your Website On The Front Page Of Google Search
Being #1 at the top of Google sounds like a dream for most website owners, right? But it’s not so simple…
It might not even be what you should do right now. Read this article first to make sure it’s a good idea to work on your SEO (Search Engine Optimization).
SEO is a huge topic and this is by no means a complete guide, just simple tips to get you started. For more in-depth info, check out moz.com.
1. Target Appropriate Keywords
If you have a brand new CrossFit gym website, trying to rank for “CrossFit” won’t rank well. A Google search just for that term produces over 14 MILLION results.
But “CrossFit Los Angeles” narrows that down to 2.5 million. And narrowing it down even further by location or interest will be even better.
A more specific term will not be searched as many times, but the likelyhood that you will rank highly and be found is much greater.
Then make sure that you use that term somewhat regularly as you…
2. Consistently Create Relevant Content
Sites that are updated often with valuable content tend to rank higher since Google will be accessing it more often. A weekly 300-word blog post with a quick tip or news update is better than nothing at all.
Make sure it’s actually useful content. Writing posts that do nothing for anyone else will do nothing for you. Especially when it comes to sharing:
3. Share Your Content, Have Others Do The Same
The more shares your content has, the more relevant it is, so this will be featured. Sharing to more social networks is always better so you can maximize your visibility.
It’s hard to know exactly what the algorithm is for what networks are most effective, but the fact that Google has their own should give us a bit of a hit. Sharing on Google Plus is most likely a great idea.
4. Get Links to Your Site
Link from blogs on other sites, social profiles. Have others post links to you from their sites and blogs. Quality links prove that your site is valuable. Don’t go off to some sketchy site that sells links… that could end up hurting you in the long run.
5. Create With People In Mind, Not Machines
Google is working really hard to provide the best possible, most relevant content to people. So don’t spend most of your time figuring out what makes your site appealing to machines.
Get people to visit and share your site because it is HIGH QUALITY and USEFUL… and you’ll find yourself getting more traffic from search engines.
What actions will you take after reading this? Leave a comment below.
Photo: “1” by Stephan Mosel